Chapter 4. Tariscope Maintenance
4.1. Control over work of the Tariscope applications
4.1.3. Control over the changing in the Tariscope database
In some cases, when multiple users work with the Tariscope database, it is important to keep track who of them made changes to the database. For this purpose, the Changes monitoring page was designed, which is available from the Tariscope Management or Tariscope programs.
Choice of the page leads to opening the program window as shown in Figure 3.21.1. Description of configuration of the Changes monitoring page in the section 3.21.
The Changes monitoring page displays the table that contains the following columns:
- Date/time. Displays the date and time of any changes in the table.
- Event type. Displays an event name that changes the table: deletion, updating, adding, and etc.
- Computer name. Displays the name of the computer or its IP address from which the change was performed.
- Application. Displays the application name that was used to change the table data.
- User. Displays the user name who changed the table data.
- Table. Displays the name of the table that is monitored.
- Description. Displays a brief description of the changes in the table.
- ID. Displays the identifier of record in the History table of the Tariscope database.
The table displays only the last 1000 records of the History table. If you need to analyse a larger number of records, use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
In the table that is displayed in the Changes monitoring page you can hide unnecessary fields, sort information on interesting columns, filter the data. To perform these actions, right-click anywhere on the table header. Menu appears. Select the desired item.