Tariscope 4.6. Administrator's guide
Chapter 4 Tariscope configuration
4.11 Adding a new telephone system
4.11.16. Settings for Aastra (Ericsson) MD110
Tariscope processes CDR records from MD110 only in the ASB 501 format. Therefore, for Tariscope to work correctly, you need to configure the issuance of CDRs in the ASB 501 format in the PBX.
If you have selected Ericsson MD110 in the Communication device list (Figure 4.11.2), click the Advanced settings icon. The corresponding window will appear, an example of which is shown in Figure
This setting is required if you are using a Coordinated Dialing Plan (CDP) on your PBX. In this case, the dialed telephone number in the CDR data is in the two fields accessCode1 and dialedNumber. To correctly determine the subscriber, Tariscope must combine these fields.
In the Additional settings window that opens, you must add the numbers of routes (groups of trunks), in which the dialed internal telephone section is separated in the accessCode1 and dialedNumber fields. This can be defined in the CDR file, an example of which is shown in Figure
In this figure, accessCode1 = 5157 and dialedNumber = 9 are highlighted in red. That is, the phone number should be 51579. This call will be made via route 040, highlighted in green in the figure. Thus, in order for the number 517579, and not 9, to be displayed as the dialed number in the Tariscope system, you need to add route 040 in the Additional settings window. Enter it and click the '+' button.
Repeat adding other routes where number splitting is performed in the data CDR. When finished, click the Save button.
If you have already processed the CDR data and added this setting, you will need to delete the CDR data and reprocess it again. Only recalculation of calls does not allow you to get such a result.