Tariscope 4.5.x. Administrator's guide
Chapter 4 Tariscope configuration
4.12. Subscribers
In Tariscope a subscriber (or customer) relates to a telecommunications node. The telecommunications node can contain one or more telecommunications equipment. Minimally telecommunications node can consist of a single telecommunications equipment. PBX, telephone exchange or data transmission equipment can be considered as the telecommunications equipment. A subscriber can have one or more extensions (phone numbers) or IP addresses belonging to one or more telephone systems. A subscriber can have minimally one extension (phone number) or one IP address.
There are different methods to enter subscribers' data into the Tariscope database.
- Import from file. The subscriber data are imported from files. Supported the following formats: Microsoft Excel 2007, Microsoft Excel 2003, Microsoft Access 2007, CSV, dBase, Text, Tariscope 2.x.
- Import from Active Directory. The subscriber data are imported from Microsoft Active Directory or LDAP directory.
- Automatically create subscribers. A part of subscriber data is automatically created during CDR processing. A subscriber phone number with 'a' prefix is used for a subscriber name.
- Manual input. You can manually enter data on one or a group of subscribers.
It is possible to choose the desired input method during the Equipment creation wizard (Section 4.11.52) or on the Tariscope menu.
On the menu, select: Communication nodes → the desired telecommunications node → Subscribers. The Subscribers page appears. An example of the page is shown in Figure 4.12.1.
Figure 4.12.1
The page contains the toolbar with the following icons:
- Menu. It opens the menu which duplicates the toolbar icons.
- New subscriber. It allows you to manually add a new subscriber (customer).
- New group. It allows you to create a new subscriber group. Tariscope supports hierarchical structure of your company.
- Edit. This choice provides editing the selected element of the subscriber table.
- Edit heads of the group. The icon is active when a row with a group was selected. It allows you to assign heads of the group. The heads can view class of subscribers of the group via the Tariscope Personal Area.
- Move. You can move the selected element to another place of the table.
- Restrictions. Allows you to set restrictions for the selected element. The feature is available only for a Tariscope license with the restriction feature.
- Disconnect subscriber. Allows you to point Tariscope that the selected subscriber will not to be active.
- Access to the Personal Area. Allows you to set a login and password which the subscriber will use to access to the Tariscope Personal Area.
- Remove. Provides a deletion of the selected element of the table.
- Whom to show. Provides a choice which subscribers should be displayed in the table: all, active, or inactive.
- How to show. Allows you to choose the desired way to display a subscriber tree, subscriber table, or extension table.
- Show unused extensions/IP. If you created the numbering plan, the choice of the icon allows you to get a list of unused extensions or IP addresses.
- Import from file. Provides an import of subscribers’ data from the file.
- Import from Active Directory. Provides an import of subscribers’ data from your Active Directory.
- Settings columns visibility. Allows you to choose the desired fields which can be displayed in the table.
- Export of the table. Allows you to export the subscriber table into the external file.