Tariscope 4.5.x. Administrator's guide
Chapter 4 Tariscope configuration
4.16. Tariscope Tasks configuration
The Tariscope Tasks is a Windows service which is intended to automatically execute the following tasks by schedule:
- Report generation.
- Synchronization of subscribers' data with Active Directory.
- Receiving of the currency rates.
- Full backup of the Tariscope database.
- Differential backup of the Tariscope database.
- Charging of periodic services.
- Archiving of the calls data.
- Execution of a program.
- Sending newsletter.
- Performing a group of tasks.
To configure Tariscope tasks, control their status, select Tariscope Tasks → Tasks list. An example of the Task list is shown in Figure 4.16.1.
Figure 4.16.1
To create a new task, click on the Add icon on the toolbar. An example of the New task page appears as shown in Figure 4.16.2. The page looks different depending on the selected task type.
Figure 4.16.2
In the Name box, type the task name. This name is displayed in the task table (Figure 4.16.1) and it allows to identify the purpose of a specific task.
If necessary, in the Description box, type a description of the task. This can be especially useful when tasks are created by several persons.
For task execution in the specific time and date, turn on the Active task switch.
In the Next run calendar box, select the date and time of the initial start of the task.
In the Period list, select a period of the task execution. There are the following options:
- Once. The task will be performed only once at the time specified in the Next run calendar box, and then it becomes inactive. If necessary to execute this task once more, you need to define a new date and time of task execution and turn the Active task switch.
- Every minute. The task will be executed at intervals of several minutes specified in the Every box.
- Every hour. The task will be executed at intervals of several hours specified in the Every box.
- Daily. The task will be executed at intervals of several days specified in the Every box.
- Weekly. The task will be executed at intervals of several weeks specified in the Every box.
- Monthly. The task will be executed at intervals of several months specified in the Every box.
- Annual. The task will be executed at intervals of several years specified in the Every box.
- On service start. The task will be executed once, immediately after the service start.
The Tariscope Tasks service starts, regardless of the value of the Next run box of any task.
In the Action type list, select the required type of task. There are the following options:
- Report. One from the reports, which Tariscope contains or the Tariscope administrator was created, is generated. Or a procedure is performed for working with the Tariscope database.
- Full backup. The full backup of the Tariscope database is executed.
- Differential backup. This task creates the backup only a part of the Tariscope database which was changed from the last backup. This option requires less time and computer resources to perform than a full backup. But in the case of the database restore, you should restore each the first full backup and each subsequent differential backups.
- Backup calls. The archiving of the call database is executed, and the appropriated call records are deleted from the database.
- Currency update. The automatic receiving of the required currency rates is executed.
- Synchronize subscribers from Active Directory. Synchronization of subscribers' database with Active Directory of your enterprise is performed. Previously you should create a profile for synchronization with Active Directory.
- Charge periodic services. The service costs are charged for subscribers. The task is used only for the Tariscope Provider edition.
- Execute program. The specific program is started.
The rest of the page looks different depending on the selected task type.
If you have selected the Report option, the rest of the page looks like in Figure 4.16.2. Let us consider the settings of the report task.
In the Source list, select the source of subscriber filter that will be applied to generate the report. There are the following options:
- SQL queries. Subscribers for the report are selected using the SQL query. To set the SQL query, click on the Select subscribers group button. The Edit window appears, where you should type the desired SQL query.
- Subscriber. To select subscribers, click on the Select button next to the Select subscribers group box. The Subscribers window appears, where you should select the desired subscribers and click Select.
- Group. To select groups, click on the Select button next to the Select subscribers group box. The Groups window appears, where you should select the desired groups and click Select.
If you do not use the subscriber filter, the report will include data on all subscribers. When you click on the Select button on the window to keep your choice. DNs of the selected subscribers will be displayed in the Select subscribers group box.
If for report generation you need to apply other data filtering conditions, select the desired filter in the Filter list. The list contains some installed filters and those which you created in the views for calls. After you have selected the filter, the Edit filter button appears. If you want to change the filtering conditions, click on the button. The Edit window appears, where you can do changes. Click on the Save button to keep the changes.
Click on the “…” button located near the Report name box. The Choose the report window appears as shown in Figure 4.16.3.
Figure 4.16.3
In the Group list, select the desired report group.
In the Available reports list, select the desired report. Separate report forms require setting values for variables. In this case, specify the values for variables and click on the Done button. The report name is displayed in the Report name box.
The Save as section includes settings which are applied for saving the report.
In the File path box, enter a path to the folder, where reports will be saved.
In the File mask list, type or select a file name template. The file name supports the following templates:
- %d – day.
- %m – month.
- %y – year.
- %h – hour.
- %M – minute.
- %s – second.
- %a – ID of subscriber.
- %e – main telephone number or IP address.
- %n – subscriber name.
For example, if you use the following name template: report-% y-% m, that reports will be generated in files with names such as: report-2020-05, report-2020-06 and so on. The File mask list contains also other samples of file names that the Tariscope administrator can change at will.
In the File type list, select a file type in which the report will be saved. The following file types are supported:
- xlsx,
- xls,
- xml,
- mdb,
- csv,
- txt,
- htm,
- html,
- pdf,
- print. The print file type means that the file will be automatically sent on a printer.
If you wish to generate the report for each subscriber, turn on the Separate report for every subscriber switch. If you turned on the switch and want to attach the report to subscriber’s document, turn on the Attach report to subscriber documents switch.
If you did not turn on the Separate report for every subscriber switch, you can attach the report to a subscriber. In this case, click on the Select subscriber button and in the appeared window, select the desired subscriber.
The saved report will be accessible for Tariscope users who have access to the Subscribers page.
You can also allow the subscriber to access this report. To do this, turn on the Visible to subscriber switch. The report will be accessible for subscribers through Tariscope Personal Area.
The Notifications section allows you to configure the sending parameters.
If you turned on the Separate report for every subscriber switch and you want to send the report each subscriber, turn on the Notify subscribers and send them reports switch. For execution of this feature, subscriber's parameters must contain its email address.
If you did not turn on the Separate report for every subscriber switch and you turn on the Notify administrator by default switch, the Tariscope administrator will receive email notification about the report generation.
Also, you can specify additional email addresses where letters with the results of this task will be sent. To do this, enter email addresses in the Email box. To enter several addresses, use semicolons.
In the Mail subject box, specify the subject for this sending.
Click Save to keep settings.
To create the task for the full backup, select the Full backup item in the Action type list. Then, specify data in the Save as and Notifications sections.
To create the task for the differential backup, select the Differential backup item in the Action type list. Then, specify data in the Save as and Notifications sections.
To create the task for calls backup, select the Backup calls item in the Action type list. In the Filter list, select the filter that will choose the required calls. Then, specify data in the Save as and Notifications sections.
If you want to create a task to get the currency rates, select the Current update item in the Action type list. The Profile list appears which contains the following profiles:
- National Bank of Ukraine. This option allows you to receive the currency rate provided by the National Bank of Ukraine. Currently, only US dollar and euro rates are being synchronized.
- GE-NBG. The profile is used to receive the currency rates from the site of National Bank of Georgia.
- KZ-NB. The profile is used to receive the currency rates from the site of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- RU-CBR. The profile is used to receive the currency rates from the site of Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
- UA-NBU. The profile is used to receive the currency rates from the site of National Bank of Ukraine.
- UA-PIB. The profile is used to receive the currency rates from the site of Prominvestbank (Ukraine).
These profiles are stored in the folder: …\Program Files (x86)\SoftPI\Tariscope\JobsService\CurrencyProfile. They have a structure of the XML file. The administrator can edit any of the profiles or create your own.
In the profile file, you can create or change the following settings:
- The name and settings of the proxy server.
- The Web page, where it is necessary to obtain information on currency rates.
- A list of required currencies and parameters of search of a currency rate.
Also, you can change a profile data by clicking on the Edit button located on the right of the Profile name box. An example of part of the New task page is shown in Figure 4.16.4.
Figure 4.16.4
Since the information to update the currency rates is taken from the external site, the computer, where Tariscope Tasks will run, must have access to the relevant site. If your network uses a proxy server, you must specify its parameters. Turn on the Use proxy switch and, type values in the Proxy server, User name, and Password boxes.
To add a new currency and site that contains currency rates, click on the Add icon. The Add currency window appears as shown in Figure 4.16.5.
Figure 4.16.5.
Type values in the boxes of the window. An example of such an input is shown below:
Currency code: USD
Decimal delimiter: .
Factor: 0.01
URL: http://www.bank.gov.ua/control/uk/curmetal/detail/currency?period=daily
Start key #1: <td class="cell">:United State Dollar</td>
Start key #2: <td class="cell_c">
Regular expression:
End key: </td>
Click Done to save settings.
On the New task page, specify data in the Notifications section and click on the Save profile button.
If you need to create a task that will synchronize subscribers from Active Directory, select the appropriate option in the Active type list. The AD Profile list appears. Select the desired profile in the list. If the list does not contain the desired profile, move to Additional options → Integrations → Active Directory and create the required profile.
On the New task page, specify data in the Notifications section and click on the Save button to keep settings.
If you are a telecom provider and you want to automatically charge periodic services, you should select the Charge periodic services option in the Active type list. You can create the task that will be applied for specific group of subscribers (customers). To do this, use the Source list and the Select subscribers group button, as this is described for case of the report generation above.
If you need to execute a program by schedule, select the Execute program option in the Active type list. The Path to the file and Arguments boxes appear. In the Path to the file box, enter the path to the program. If the program requires some parameters, enter them in the Arguments box. Specify data in the Notifications section and click on the Save button to keep settings.
If you need to execute some tasks simultaneously or in the specific order, select the Group of tasks option in the Action type list. The additional settings appear on the New task page as shown in Figure 4.16.6.
Figure 4.16.6
There are different group types which are listed in the Group type list:
- Independent chain. Each task in the group will be launched without analyzing the result of completing the previous task in the group.
- Dependent chain. Each task in the group will be launched only if the previous task was successfully completed.
- Independent chain with feedback. Starting tasks in a group is like the Independent chain option, but if any task was unsuccessful, an attempt will be made to execute it again. The number of attempts to complete tasks is configurable. If all attempts are exhausted, but the task was never completed successfully, then the next task in the list will still be launched.
- Dependent chain with feedback. This group is like the Dependent chain option, but if execution attempts are exhausted and the task was not completed successfully, then the next task in the list will not be executed. The execution chain stops.
- Run all together. All tasks of the group will be launched simultaneously in different threads, without a queue for their execution.
Select the desired option.
In the Number of attempts to rerun task box, specify how many times the task can be retried if the previous attempt was unsuccessful.
Click on the Add button near the Tasks included in the group label and add the desired tasks. You should create the desired task in advance.
Specify data in the Notifications section and click on the Save button to keep settings.
If you need to send a message to subscribers (customer), you should select the Newsletter option in the Action type list. In this case the New task page will have some specific positions which are shown in Figure 4.16.7.
Figure 4.16.7
You can choose the desired group of subscribers for which the mailing will be executed. There are options to do this. Yu can specify the required SQL query, select subscribers from the list, or select the desired group of subscribers. Choose the desired option in the Source list.
The rest of the steps are like those described for the task of generating a report.
In the Mail subject box, type a subject.
In the Mail text box, type a text. The box allows you to use HTML.
Specify data in the Notifications section and click on the Save button to keep settings.
To install, start, stop or uninstall the Tariscope Tasks services, select in the Tariscope menu: Tariscope Tasks → Service management. The Tariscope Tasks page is displayed as shown in Figure 4.16.8.
Figure 4.16.8
By default, the service runs the user account of LocalSystem. To change the account, turn off the Manage service switch and specify the User account and Password.
To install the service, click on the Install service button. In the Service status position the value of "Stopped" is displayed. The Install service button is replaced to the Uninstall service button and the Run service button is active.
To start the service, click on the Run service button. In the Service status position the value of "Running" is displayed. The Run service button is replaced to the Stop service button. The Uninstall service button is inactive.
After the service was started, we recommend clicking on the Open service log button or select the Service log item of the menu and make sure there are no errors. If the log contains errors, stop the service, return to the settings. After that, try to start the service.
To stop the service, click on the Stop service button. The Stop service button is replaced to the Run service button, and the Uninstall service button is active. The Service status position displays "Stopped".
To uninstall the service, click on the Uninstall service button.
In some cases, the service may be stopped by Windows. If you wish, the service is automatically started in these cases, turn on the Automatic restart switch.