Tariscope 4.6. User's guide
Chapter 2. Tariscope application
2.2. Working with views for calls
2.2.3 Fields of a view for calls
A view for calls can display the following columns:
- ID. The row identifier.
- Node. Displays a node name where the call was made.
- Equipment. Displays a PBX name.
- Date/time. Displays date and time of call beginning.
- Date. Displays date of call beginning.
- Time. Displays time of call beginning.
- End of call. Displays call end time.
- Record. Displays a record type.
- Call type.
- Direction. Displays a call direction.
- Originator. Displays a call originator. It is a subscriber's extension for outgoing and internal calls. And it is a route or gateway number for incoming and transit calls.
- Originator Aux. ID. Displays an originator auxiliary identifier. It is used in specific PBXs to uniquely identify the call initiator.
- Terminator. Displays a call terminator. It is a subscriber's extension for incoming and internal calls. And it is a route or gateway number for outgoing and transit calls.
- Terminator Aux. ID. Displays a terminator auxiliary identifier. It is used in specific PBXs to uniquely identify the call terminator.
- Number А. Displays subscriber's extension for outgoing and internal calls. It is a CLID for incoming and transit calls.
- Number B. Displays subscriber's extension to whom the call was made for incoming and internal calls. Displays a dialed number for outgoing and transit calls.
- Duration. Displays a call duration.
- Days. Some PBXs, such as CS1000, Meridian1, support calls with duration of some days. This fields displays number of days of call.
- Call seconds. Displays a call duration in seconds.
- Cost. Displays a call cost.
- Cost2. Displays a call cost that is calculated on rate of alternative provider.
- Parent call ID. Displays ID of record with which the current record is linked.
- Access code. If access code was applied in dialed number, it displays in the column.
- Dialed number.
- Original dialed number. If Tariscope changed the original dialed number, for example, it deleted access code, this column displays the original dialed number.
- CLID. Calling Line Identification. Displays a telephone number of external subscriber for incoming calls.
- Original CLID. If CLID was changed in Tariscope, this column displays the original CLID that CDR contains.
- DNIS. Dialed Number Identification Service. This field is accessible only for incoming calls. It displays external telephone number on which the call was made.
- From subscriber. Displays a subscriber's name who made the call.
- From group. This field is applied for outgoing and internal calls. It displays a subscriber group name the subscriber of which made the call.
- To group. This field is applied for incoming and internal calls. It displays a subscriber group name the subscriber of which accepted the call.
- From telephone. This field displays a city name from which the call was made for intercity and international calls. This field displays a mobile provider name for calls were made from mobile telephones.
- To telephone. This field is applied only for outgoing calls. It displays a city name or provider name where the call was made.
- Calling party. Displays a subscriber's name who made the call if this information is in the Tariscope database.
- Called party. Displays a subscriber's name who accepted the call if this information is in the Tariscope database.
- Category. Displays a category name which was set for specific call types.
- Tarif. The rate value that it used to calculate a call cost is displayed.
- Ring time. Displays a ring time.
- Hold time. Displays a hold time.
- Release cause. Displays a release cause of the call.
- Auth code. Displays an authorization code that was applied for the call.
- Project code. Displays a project code that was entered to make this call.