Tariscope 4.6. User's guide
Chapter 2. Tariscope application
2.2. Working with views for calls
2.2.9 Filter by selection and Exclude selection
The simplest way to filter the information in a view for calls is a selection of records that have the same value in a column or exclusion of records that have the same value in a column.
To select records with the same value in a column:
- Select the table cell that contains the required information.
- Click on the Filter by selection icon on the toolbar.
As a result, the view is displayed that contains only those records of calls where values are the same as in the selected cell.
You can repeat these actions by applying them to the different columns of the view.
If you want to return the table of calls to its previous state, on the toolbar, click the Previous filter. The view returns its previous state.
To exclude records that have the same value in a column of the table:
- Select the table cell that contains the required information.
- Click on the Exclude selection icon on the toolbar.
As a result, all records, which have the same value as the selected value, will be excluded from the view.
To return the table of calls to its previous state, on the toolbar, click the Previous filter icon.
The main advantage of this filtering method is an ability to quickly apply a filter condition. The disadvantage is a complexity in creating complex filtering options.