Tariscope 4.6. User's guide
Chapter 2. Tariscope application
2.2. Working with views for calls
2.2.17 Call categories
In the Tariscope system, there is such a thing as a category of calls. Simultaneously, with other parameters that characterize the calls, such as a call type, record type, it allows to describe the call depending on the dialed telephone number. The most commonly used examples of call categories are as follow:
- Private. It is used for calls that made in private purposes.
- Business. It is used for calls that made in business purposes.
Tariscope user can create own categories of calls. Their number is not limited to the system. Categories can have a tree structure. In this case, any call category can have a subcategory of calls. For example, the category of Business can contain subcategories: Customers, Partners, Competitor, etc. At the same time the category of Partners may include specific names of partner companies while the category of the partner company, in turn, may contain categories with the names of employees of the company.
Categories of calls can be used for different purposes in Tariscope.
Primarily they can be used to filter call records related to a particular category and forming the various types of reports. Such separation of call records can be used for different purposes. For example, in Tariscope you can determine the cost of telephone calls relating to specific projects and charge the expenses on this project. For this you enough to enter phone numbers which belong to a particular project, and associate them with a specific category called, such as "Project XXXX". If you perform the same actions for all projects of the company, you can get an accurate idea of the distribution of the costs of telephone conversations in the context of projects.
Another purpose of use of categories could be to determine expenses on private calls of employees of your company. Tariscope Personal Area that is a part of Tariscope allows subscriber to get information about his calls. There a subscriber can set a category for each call record. For example, he can set the Personal or Business category. The head of the subscriber group can verify the correctness of setting of call categories by employees. Based on such call classification a bookkeeping may charge the cost for personal calls.
In some cases, it is important to quickly get information about what employee was made a call on a particular number. For example, to know about calls to ambulance, police, firefighters, gas companies, etc. For such calls it is possible to create a category, for example called "Emergency" and set the script for the New call event in the Tariscope Observer configuration. Tariscope Observer will send an e-mail with information about such calls to security service of company.
Input of categories of calls is executed on the Categories page. After creating the names of categories, you should associate the categories with the phone codes (numbers) of a specific telecommunications provider. After that, you can process data, considering the categories of calls. At the same time, you can set a category in a view for calls. To do this, select a record in the view and click on the Set category for selected rows icon on the toolbar. The Categories window appear as it is shown in Figure
In the Category list, select the desired item and click on the Save button. The category will assign to the Dialed number (Number B) of the selected row.
Use the Select columns to display icon to display the Category column.
If you've filtered out entries that must all be in a certain category, you can assign the category simultaneously. Click on the Set category for all rows icon and select the desired category.