Tariscope 4.x. Administrator's guide
Chapter 3. Tariscope configuration
3.8. Services
The Services setting mode is used to create services provided to customers (subscribers). The configuration page is urgent for telecommunications service providers. Therefore, if you use the Tariscope Enterprise edition, you can skip this configuration page.
Click on the Services branch in the configuration tree to select this configuration page (Figure 3.8.1).
Figure 3.8.1
The Tariscope installation package can include examples of services. You can edit, delete these services or create new ones.
To create a new service, click on the Add icon on the toolbar. The Edit New service window appears as shown in Figure 3.8.2.
Figure 3.8.2
In the Name box, type a name of a service instead of "New service".
If you wish, you can type a description of the service in the Description box.
If you use codes for services, type a service code in the Code box.
In the Charge period list, select the desired period.
There are options:
- Manual. A service cost is charged manually in the Tariscope program → the Subscriber accounting mode.
- Every day. A service cost is automatically charged in the beginning of every day.
- Every week. A service cost is automatically charged in the beginning of every week.
- Every month. A service cost is automatically charged in the beginning of every month.
- Annually. A service cost is automatically charged in the beginning of every year.
- Application defined. The option is applied for services for which a cost is charged by an execution of a procedure or generation of report. The execution of a procedure or generation of report can be automatically performed by the Tariscope Tasks servise on the schedule or manually by selection in the Tariscope program → the Data menu → New report. Such an option can be used for calculating the costs for city calls when to calculate the cost of the calls is not considered N-th number of seconds.
The Rate list provides a selection of a rate that can be applied to the service. In this case the rate is used as a service. In Tariscope the rates with the same names can have different values for the different rate plans (tariff plans). This provides to use a single service name in different rate plans but these services will have different rates.
For example, there are several types of subscription fee: base, privileged, and others, which you should type in Tariscope. Tariscope has two options to create such services. First, you can create the required number of services with different names on the Services configuration page. Another option, in the Rates configuration page you can create a service-rate named, for example, "Subscriber fee" and for different rate plans you should type their appropriate values. After that, in the Service page → the Rate list you should select this service-rate. In this case, no need to select service for each subscriber, but you only should assign the "Subscriber fee" service to all subscribers or a group of subscribers. A choice of the service cost for a subscriber will be determined by assigned rate plan.
To view or edit the data of the rate, click on the button located on the right of the Rate list.
When you select a rate for the service, the Fixed cost box and the Currency list will be inactive since the service cost and currency are defined by the rate parameters.
If you do not want to use a rate as a service, leave the Fixed rate item in the Rate list. In this case, type a cost of the service in the Fixed cost box and select a currency from the Currency box.
Next, select the check boxes for parameters that will be applied to the service:
- Charge every extension/IP address. This parameter allows you to charge the service cost on each customer's extension (phone number) or IP address for customers (subscribers) having several extensions or/and IP addresses. If the box is not selected, the service cost will be charged the customer only one time.
- Align to charging period. The parameter allows to charge the service cost for the period of service provision. For example, a customer was connected from the 13th day of month and you need to charge the "Subscription fee" service which has monthly period. When the box is selected, only part of the service cost will be charged for the customer that is proportional to the period from the 13th to the end of the month.
- Assume as monthly cost. A selection of this check box means that the service cost specified in the Fixed cost box is a cost per month. And if the charging period is different from the month, the service cost is calculated.
- Don't charge if negative balance. The checked box means that if a customer has a negative balance, the service cost is not charged.
- Respect damages. The checked box means that if an extension or IP address has damage and Tariscope has information about this, the service cost is not charged.
- Require extension / number selection. The checked box means that the service is assigned only to a specific extension or IP address, but not to a customer.
- Postpaid. The checked box means that the service cost is charged with a delay of one period.
After you set all parameters in the Edit service window, click OK.
To change the previously entered parameters any of the services, select the service, and click the Edit icon.
To remove unnecessary service, you should select it in the list of services and click the Delete icon.
To change only the name of the service, select it in the list of services and click on the Rename icon, and then type a new service name.