Tariscope 4.x. Administrator's guide
Chapter 3. Tariscope configuration
3.12. Adding a new telephone system
3.12.34. CDR format for Profinfotech Billion Softswitch
Profinfotech Billion Softswitch has the same CDR format as 3CX Phone System. So if you have selected the Profinfotech Billion Softswitch item in the Equipment type list (Figure 3.12.1), click on the Configure button (Figure 3.12.1) and select the Advanced equipment parser settings item. The 3CX parser configuration window appears as shown in Figure
If the dialed number contains a prefix, select the Save prefix as auth code if matching pattern check box and type a pattern that will determine how many first digits in the dialed number is considered as a prefix. For example, 1??? - will mean that all dialed numbers that begin with "one" plus three digits will be considered as a prefix. Another example, ### - will mean that the first three digits in the dialed number will be considered as a prefix. This prefix will be placed in the Authorization Code field of the database during processing CDR.
PBX uses time in CDR in UTC + 0. To correct time using a time zone of the Tariscope server, select the Correct time zone check box.
To monitor calls information in the real time, select the Monitor active calls check box. A prerequisite for using this feature is to install the client part of Tariscope on the same computer where 3CX Phone System works.
Tariscope provides feature to automatically create subscriber's information in the Tariscope database when the processing of information about calls is executed and if a subscriber is absent in the database. In this case Tariscope gets subscriber's information from the 3CX Phone System database. To implement this feature, select the Automatically create subscribers from 3CX database check box.
Tariscope allows to automatically synchronize the subscriber's information such as a subscriber name, extension and email address with the 3CX Phone System database. To implement this feature, select the Automatically synchronize a subscriber name, extension and email from 3CX database check box.
If you have not selected the Automatically create subscribers from 3CX database check box, you can use the opportunity to drop all calls made from extensions that are absent in the Tariscope database. To do this, select the Drop calls from unknown extension check box.