Chapter 4. Tariscope Maintenance
4.1. Control over work of the Tariscope applications
4.1.4. Control over the automatic task execution
Tariscope Tasks automatically performs a wide range of tasks. Therefore one of the tasks of the Tariscope administrator is a tracking of the results of the Tariscope Tasks work. For this purpose, in the configuration tree, select Tariscope Tasks → Tariscope Tasks. The program window will be as shown in Figure
The right part of the window displays a list of all task that were specified in the Tariscope Tasks. The table contains the following columns:
- Name. Displays a task name, as well as it is used to select or clear the check box that allows to enable or disable the task. An inactive task will never run. To activate any inactive task, select the appropriate check box.
- Next Date. Displays the date and time of the next task execution.
- Period. Displays the next date and time when the task should be executed.
- Action type. Displays a task type (Backup calls, generation of report, etc.).
- Filter. Displays a filter name if it is used for the task.
- Report name. Displays a report name, if the task is used to report generation.
- Last date. Displays the date and time of the last task execution.
- Last result. Displays the result of the task execution.
- Status. Displays the current status of the task: Running, Not running.
- File path. Displays a path to the folder where the result of the task execution is saved.
- File mask. Displays a template that is applied to the file name.
- Send mail. Specifies whether to send the report or notice of the task execution via email.
- Email. Displays an email address for tasks, if delivery by email is used.
Among these columns, pay attention to the data in the Last result column. If it contains the "Task failed" value you should select the Service log of Tariscope Tasks, and analyze its data to eliminate the causes of execution failure. To the result of the problem was immediately visible when you open a table with a list of tasks, you can drag the Last result column, for example, to the second position, after the Name column. To do this, place the cursor over the title of this column, click the left mouse button and hold it down, drag the column to the desired position.
If necessary you can hide unwanted columns, sort the table according to any column, group or filter the data.
To perform these actions, right-click anywhere on the table header. Menu appears as shown in Figure In the menu, select the desired item.