Alcatel-Lucent OXE. Collecting CDRs via TCP in Tariscope
If you are an administrator or owner of an Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise PBX (Alcatel-Lucent OXE) and you want to collect CDR online via the IP network, you can use the Tariscope billing system (SoftPI). The Tariscope system not only provides CDR data collection, but also their processing and analysis, and has many other functions.
In this article, we will only describe how to configure Tariscope to receive CDRs via the TCP protocol.
Tariscope Observer (or simply Observer) services are used for collecting and initial processing of CDRs in the Tariscope system. One Observer service is designed to work with one phone system. The received and processed CDR data is stored in the Tariscope database, and then in Tariscope you can view, filter, sort, group the call information, create various reports, inform the administrator about the occurrence of some events related to calls, etc.
Let's create a new Tariscope Observer service to collect CDRs from Alcatel-Lucent OXE using the TCP/IP.
From the Tariscope application menu, select Data Collection/Observer -> Observer management. The Data Collection/Observer page appears, an example of which is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
This page contains a list of previously created Observers in a table, as well as a toolbar.
Click the Add icon on the toolbar (the name of the icon appears when you hover over the icon). In the menu that appears, select the New observer item, which will bring up the window shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
In the Name textbox, enter the name of the Observer. For example, it will be AlcatelOXE. Click Save. A new window will appear, confirming the creation of a new Observer. In this window, click on the Settings button.
The Tariscope Observer configuration (Alcatel OXE) page will appear, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
In the Device position, "not selected" is indicated. This means that you must select a previously created phone system in Tariscope, from which call information will be received and processed by Observer. To do this, click on the link "here". The Equipment selection window appears, where you should select the previously created PBX: Alcatel-Lucent OXE.
In the Data Source list, select the TCP client item. After that, click on the Data source configuration button. The Data source configuration window appears, an example of which is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4
In the Server position, enter the IP address of your PBX.
If Alcatel-Lucent OXE uses a different IP port than the one specified in the Port textbox, specify its value.
There is no need to specify anything in all other positions.
Click Done.
You can leave all other settings unchanged on the Tariscope Observer configuration page. If necessary, they can be replaced. A detailed description of all Observer parameters can be found in the document: Tariscope.4.6. Administrator's guide.
Click the Done button. On the Data Collection/Observer page, a new line with the name of the created Observer will appear in the table. Select this line and click the Edit icon on the toolbar. In the menu that appears, select the Observers’ scripts item. The corresponding page will be opened, an example of which is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5
This setting is required in order to connect to the TCP/IP server of Alcatel-Lucent OXE to receive tickers with CDR data. For this type of PBX, the usual TCP connection of the client to the TCP server is not enough.
In the Event list, select the Data source connection item, and in the Script list, select the script: alcatelOXE-TCP-client.cs. This script will perform the appropriate data exchange when connected to the TCP/IP server of Alcatel-Lucent OXE, which will allow Observer to receive CDR data.
Click Save.
This completes the process of creating and configuring Tariscope. It can be run to get CDR data.