Tariscope configuration to use an authorization code in 3CX Phone System
As is known 3CX Phone System does not provide the use of an authorization code to make outgoing calls. The use of 3CX Phone System with Tariscope allows you to apply this feature. If the Tariscope license includes the restriction feature, Tariscope can control the call execution through 3CX Phone System checking an authorization code. If dialed number contains an authorization code that there is in the Tariscope database, the call is make. Otherwise, Tariscope cancels the call. This allows you to fully control making outgoing calls.
Below we consider how to configure Tariscope and 3CX Phone System in order to a subscriber can use an authorization code to make call.
Install Tariscope, which you can download from the page.
Tariscope or at least the Tariscope module that interact with 3CX Phone System should be installed on the same computer where 3CX Phone System works.
Start the Tariscope program.
In the menu, select Tools → Tariscope management.
Select the All nodes item of the configuration tree.
In the Control expenses (limiting) list, select the Subscriber only item.
Click on the Save icon on the toolbar to save changes.
In Windows, open Task Manager. Restart the TSMAIN service to apply the changes.
In the Equipment items branch of the configuration tree, select a sub branch that contains information about your 3CX Phone System.
On the page, click on the Configure button and, in the appeared menu, select Advanced equipment parser settings.
In the 3CX parser configuration window, select the Monitor active calls check box.
Select the Save prefix as auth code if matching pattern check box. In the text box located on the right from this check box, add a mask for authorization code.
For example: 9####.
9 is the prefix in the outgoing rule of 3CX Phone System.
#### is a mask of the authorization code.To forbid calls without authentication codes or unknown authorization codes, select the Drop outgoing calls with unknown authorization code check box.
Select the Providers and rates item of the configuration tree and choose or add information about your provider. If your 3CX Phone System has one route, click on the All routes. The Route window appears as shown in figure below.
In the Access code box, enter a prefix that is used in outbound rule of 3CX Phone System. For example, 9.
In the Provider list, select a provider. The rates of the provider will be used for call rating.
For more information, see page.
Select the Subscribers configuration page.
Select a subscriber and add an authorization code with the access code before it.
In figure above, the value of ‘97561’ was entered, where ‘9’ is the access code to route and ‘7561’ is the authorization code for this subscriber.
Click on the Save and close button.
Repeat this actions for all subscribers.
You also can fill out the Tariscope subscriber database by importing data from an external file as this is described in the article.
Configuration of 3CX Phone System.
Select the Outbound Rules item and add a new rule.
In this rule, in the Calls to numbers starting with prefix box, enter a prefix. For example, 9.
In the Calls to Numbers with a length of box, enter a value that is equal to a sum of a length of an authorization code with the prefix and a length of a telephone number.
For example, if you use authorization codes such as 9#### in Tariscope and telephone numbers contain 10 digits, you should specify a value of 15 in the box. For this example, in the Strip Digits list, select a value of 5.
Save the rule data.
How to make a call using authorization code
For example, you set the following data in 3CX:
- Calls to numbers starting with prefix = 9,
- Calls to Numbers with a length of =15,
- Strip digits = 5.
And you set the following data in Tariscope:
- authorization code pattern = 9####,
- subscriber’s authorization code = 97561.
For this case, if the subscriber wishes to make a call on telephone number of 0501234567, he should dial the following digits: 975610501234567.
Benefits of Tariscope to collect and analyze CDR from 3CX Phone System
Features of the Tariscope configuration to collect CDR from 3CX Phone System