Tariscope 4.6. User's guide
Chapter 2. Tariscope application
2.2. Working with views for calls
Mainly the Tariscope users work with views for calls. A view for calls is the Tariscope page, in which the call data are displayed in the table form. Usually one table row corresponds to one call. For calls where a call transfer or conference were used, the call information can be contained in several table rows. Each view can have own parameters such as:
- Filtering options. They provide a display of only specific records, for example, the calls of only a specific subscriber, group of subscribers, calls during a specific period, etc.
- Sorting options. They allow to sort information in the table using one or a group of fields.
- Fields of the view. A user can set a list of fields, which will be displayed in the view.
- Data grouping. Data of a view for calls can be grouped according to some of the fields that allows you to quickly create summary reports.
You can open views with different settings in the different tabs of your browser.